Thursday 3 January 2008

Happy New Year to all!

We hope that everyone had a great New Year's. Was nice to see how hot things were back in the land of Oz, although from what I heard it didn't drop below 30 all night.

Our New Year's was spent walking the streets of London with another 699,998 other people trying to get a glimpse of some fireworks along the Thames. Although every Londoner will claim that their fireworks are the best, from what we saw on TV, the Sydney fireworks crapped all over this. It was just the most insane experience, kinda like an enormous mosh pit that was nearly never ending. The weather wasn't fantastic either and there was the usual London drizzle to rain combo that kept us nice and damp. Anna and I went with Andrew and Anita, and when the clock stuck 12, we were jammed down a side street, just off Embankment, so we pretty much missed the fireworks altogether! So we welcomed 2008 crammed in like sardines in the streets of London. It wasn't all bad though, but we don't think we would bother doing that again.

Over the past couple of days we have been in search of a place to live, and today we just committed to a 2 storey house, sharing with 2 other people. When looking for a place it was very frustrating, as we had to firstly find a place to live that was within budget, close to a tube, comfortable to live in, etc etc. In the end we sacrificed a close location to the centre of London to save some £'s, and in return we got a really big room, the house is quite roomy (for London) and has a great kitchen too. It's fairly close to a tube stop, just out of Zone 2 and is 20 mins into the city. Hopefully we can cope with the distance, but for the price, we're hoping that we can put up with it.

Once again, happy New Year to everyone. We really missed being back in Oz for New Years though – nothing beats a warm night in your thongs, drinking with friends...

PS Just noticed that we can add videos too, so here goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you wouldn't want to fall down in that pit of people...

Love the vids. Add more when you can! :)